The IAQG implements quality initiatives for improvements throughout the aerospace products and services value stream. As part of the mission, the IAQG owns and manages the Aviation, Space, and Defense IAQG Certification Scheme, Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) certification scheme. Additionally, the IAQG built and maintains the Online Aerospace Supplier Information System® (OASIS), a portal for all information related to AQMS certifications, auditors, and audit results.
About IAQG Certification Scheme
The IAQG established the Certification Oversight to develop and continue to operate and improve a global certification scheme using the 9100-series of Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) standards. The IAQG Certification Scheme enables all organizations that purchase goods and services to recognize and accept the audits and certifications issued by accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) as part of their supply chain management processes. The IAQG certification scheme utilizes:
- an accredited, third-party audit and certification scheme with specific aviation, space, and defense requirements, operated under the guidance and oversight of the IAQG.
- a harmonized approach to certification for the purpose of improving quality and process control throughout the entire supply chain.
The IAQG Certification Scheme is defined within the IAQG 9104 series of published standards, the ‘trilogy’:
- 9104/1 “Requirements for Aviation, Space, and Defense Quality Management System Certification Programs”
- 9104/2 “Requirements for Oversight of Aerospace Quality Management System Registration/Certification Programs”
- 9104/3 “Requirements for Aerospace Auditor Competency and Training Courses”
What does the IAQG Certification Scheme Deliver?
- AQMS 9100 series standards certifications that are valid, verifiable and recognized by all stakeholders.
- A robust OASIS database demonstrating the AQMS certification status of suppliers, AQMS certification audit results, and the functionality to provide feedback and user guidance information.
- Communication and guidance material that supports the deployment of the IAQG Certification Scheme and use of the OASIS database.
- Publication of the IAQG Certification Scheme requirements and support materials including:
- The IAQG 9104 series of standards;
- IAQG Certification Oversight Resolution Log;
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
- Management and execution of the oversight of stakeholders participating in the IAQG Certification Scheme in accordance with the 9104/2 standard.
Participating in the IAQG Certification Scheme
The 9100-series of Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) standards consist of three standards 9100, 9110, and 9120. These standards are all based on ISO 9001 quality system requirements, supplemented by additional quality system requirements and established by the Aviation, Space and Defense industry through the IAQG.
To become an AQMS standard, certified supplier:
- Obtain the correct AQMS standard or standards. Click here for information on the three AQMS standards.
- Enhance the existing quality management system to meet the requirements of each applicable clause within the selected AQMS standard or standards.
- Establish a user account within OASIS. This will be needed to manage contact details, manage access for other users in your organization, manage feedback, manage audit report access, and respond to any nonconformities raised during audits.
- Request quotations, then select and contract with a suitable accredited Certification Body (CB) that participates in the IAQG Certification Scheme (ICOP). A list of accredited CBs participating in the IAQG Certification Scheme can be found within the OASIS.
- Follow the CB’s process for initial certification. Details can be found on the website of the CB selected.
The CB will audit in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021-1, IAQG 9104/1, and the IAQG 9101 standard.
In addition to the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17021-1 standard, the IAQG requires all auditors who wish to work for Certification Bodies (CBs) conducting certification audits for the 9100-series of AQMS standards (9100, 9110 and 9120) to become approved to work within the IAQG Certification Scheme (ICOP) through a process known as Authentication. There are two grades of authentication available:
- Aerospace Experienced Auditors (AEA)
- Aerospace Auditors (AA)
To prepare for becoming an authenticated AQMS Auditor:
- Obtain a copy of 9104/3.
- Ensure that you have the required work experience, audit experience and required training set out in the 9104/3 standard, including any specific training mandated by the IAQG. This mandated training is in addition to the training defined in the 9104/3 standard and may be found in the IAQG Certification Oversight Resolution Log.
- Establish a user account within OASIS to support authentication and allocation to certification body audits once authenticated.
- Research requirements, then select and apply to a suitable approved Auditor Authentication Body (AAB) that participates in the IAQG Certification Scheme. A list of approved AABs participating in the Certification Scheme can be found within the OASIS.
- Follow the AAB’s process for initial authentication. Details can be found on the website of the AAB selected or by contacting the AAB directly
- The AAB will evaluate your application in accordance with the requirements of the IAQG 9104/3
In addition to the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17021-1 standard, the IAQG requires that all Certification Bodies (CBs) conducting certification audits for the 9100-series of AQMS standards (9100, 9110 and 9120) become accredited to work within the IAQG Certification Scheme (ICOP) by an approved Accreditation Body (AB).
To prepare for becoming an accredited Certification Body:
- Obtain copies of 9104/1, 9104/3, and 9101.
- Ensure that you have been accredited by an International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Multilateral Agreement (MLA) signatory for Quality Management Systems standards for at least 12 months. The accreditation scope must include certification for the ISO 9001 standard.
- Enhance the existing quality management system to meet the requirements of each clause within the current versions of ISO/IEC 17021-1, 9104/1, and 9101.
- Ensure that you have employed or contracted authenticated AQMS auditors who have demonstrated competence to work within the IAQG Certification Scheme.
- Establish a user account within OASIS. This will be needed to manage contact details, control access for other users within the CB, and allocate resources to the CB database applications, including feedback management.
- Research requirements, then select and apply to an approved Accreditation Body (AB) that participates in the IAQG Certification Scheme. A list of approved ABs participating in the ICOP can be found within OASIS.
- Follow the AB’s process for initial accreditation for the IAQG Certification Scheme. Details can be found on the website of the AB selected or by contacting the AB directly.
- The AB will evaluate your application in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17021-1, 9104/1, and 9101.
In addition to the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17011 standard, the IAQG requires that all Accreditation Bodies (ABs) become approved to work within the IAQG Certification Scheme (ICOP) by the applicable sector of the IAQG Certification Oversight.
To prepare for becoming an approved Accreditation Body:
- Obtain copies of 9104/1, 9104/2, 9104/3, and 9101.
- Ensure that you are an International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Multilateral Agreement (MLA) signatory for Quality Management Systems standards that includes the ISO 9001 standard.
- Enhance the existing quality management system to meet the requirements of each clause within the current versions of ISO/IEC 17011 and 9104/1.
- Ensure that you have employed or contracted Assessors that have demonstrated competence to work within the aviation, space, and defense sector and the IAQG Certification Scheme.
- Establish a user account within OASIS. This account will be needed to manage contact details, control access for other users within the AB, and resource the AB database applications, including feedback management.
- Establish a connection with your National Aviation Industry Association (NAIA) and your sector of the IAQG ICOP scheme.
- Research requirements, then apply to your sector of the Certification Scheme.
- Follow the sector process for initial approval for the IAQG Certification Scheme. Full details will be made available on receipt of your inquiry or application.
- The appropriate sector of the IAQG Certification Oversight will evaluate your application in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17011 and 9104/1.
The IAQG Certification Oversight uses approved Training Providers (TPs) to support the development of skills and knowledge for AQMS auditing. Training organizations and training courses are approved through a Training Provider Approval Body (TPAB) operating within the applicable sector of the IAQG Certification Oversight.
To prepare for becoming an approved Training Provider:
- Obtain copies of 9104/1, 9104/3, and optionally 9101.
- Enhance the existing quality management system to meet the requirements of each applicable clause within the current versions of the 9104/1 and 9104/3. In addition, develop at least one training course and obtain instructors that meet the applicable requirements of the IAQG Certification Scheme (ICOP) and the 9104/3 standard.
- Establish a user account within OASIS.
- Establish a connection with your National Aviation Industry Association (NAIA) and the TPAB for your sector of the IAQG ICOP scheme. This information can be found in OASIS.
- Research requirements, then select and apply to a TPAB within your sector of the IAQG Certification Scheme.
- Follow the TPAB’s process for initial approval within the ICOP scheme. Full details will be made available on receipt of your inquiry or application or from the website of the TPAB.
- The TPAB will evaluate your application in accordance with the requirements of 9104/1 and 9104/3.