9102 Standard
SCMH 9102 Standard Overview and 3.2 FAI Guidance Webinar
Virtual EventIAQG will host a webinar covering revision highlights to the 9102 standard and the SCMH 3.2 guidance material on First Article Inspection. To attend you must register. The writers from the 9102 standard and its corresponding SCMH guidance invite you to a FREE webinar. The event will include a live Q&A session, where panelists will respond to as many related questions as possible during the one-hour time period.
IAQG Webinar Focused on First Article Inspection FAI 9102 and SCMH Guidance
Virtual EventDuring this FAI webinar, some of the IAQG Standard 9102 First Article Inspection and SCMH Section 3.2 FAI Guidance Material (https://scmh.iaqg.org) writers, will be on hand to respond to as many of the attendee's questions as possible. This webinar is at capacity. A recording will be shared on SCMH Section 3.2 following the event.